5 Keys to Spiritual Breakthrough

  • Written By 
  • Jordan Holt

What Is the Meaning of Breakthrough in the Bible?

Before we begin, we have to first define this somewhat vague term that can many times be misunderstood.

Breakthrough is most simply described as Heaven manifested on earth. It is a byproduct of being in the presence of God as well as the authority given to us through the cross. Breakthrough brings the shifting of mountains that the world cannot accomplish by itself.

On a practical level, breakthrough is not only limited to manifested blessing such as financial provision and physical healing, but it is most importantly character development. “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” – tangible and intangible blessing of God’s character demonstrated to us.

Why Does God Give Breakthroughs, and Why Do We Receive Them?

I did not grow up in a culture that talked about blessing or breakthrough. More of what I heard was along the lines of our servant-like role, trying to not sin as much, and just hoping for a life of comfort and security. Living a life full of dreams fulfilled, authority, healing, redemption, our world getting better instead of worse, were all a bit foreign to me.

As I have gotten older and seen God miraculously move in both my life and others, I have been fully convinced that God wants to continually bring breakthrough to everyone’s lives.

Why? Because it gives God glory and benefits the other people he has placed around us. When people encounter God on an experiential level, like Jesus consistently demonstrated in his ministry, they want what He has to offer. Breakthrough is not for selfish gain, but rather for the kingdom as a whole. To not petition for it and live in a poverty mindset is actually a form of selfishness because you owe it to God to represent him to the world.

“When your lives bear abundant fruit, you demonstrate that you are my mature disciples who glorify my Father!” John 15:8

People will only want our Jesus if they can look at our lives and see that we have something worth having. When God sets us free from fear, when He comes through miraculously in our finances, when He heals our cancer, when God orchestrates a fulfilling job or spouse for us, people see something incredible that the world cannot give – The character of God – perfect love.

What is Most Important?

Before talking about the “how”, I want to communicate that God is most concerned with developing character within us. That is the everlasting treasure and the answer to our peace and joy throughout life, not the gift. If He instantly gave us our every wish, we truly would not be happy.

We live in a broken world with lots of road bumps. When we develop character, we are able to navigate those road bumps with much greater confidence and peace. That is a much better gift than getting your dream job.

How Do We Have Breakthrough?

1) Stay Tethered to the Vine

This is the most foundational element – If you want God’s blessing, you cannot be one foot in. You have to be all in, pursuing His presence, His word, and ultimately His will.

“Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4

The key to this verse is the first line – Delight yourself in the Lord. When you treasure God, you begin to treasure what He treasures. I do believe God puts desires in our hearts to do certain things, but it is really all too easy to misinterpret your own personal desires if you are not in connection with Him.

Are we really holding everything open-handedly? Are we really desiring the world to be set free more than wanting to feel important and have nice things?

“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” John 15:7

2) Seek First the Kingdom of God

A common question I get asked is “I want to do what you do…how did you get where you are at?” In a practical worldly sense, it is incredibly complicated. But if there is one thing that I have learned, it is to seek first the Kingdom. This is a life verse Holy Spirit has lit up to me over and over and over no matter my circumstances.

If you could walk away from this blog with one thing, I want it to be this. Wherever God has you in your current circumstances ask yourself, “How can I be a light? How can I have God’s perspective here?” He does not want a church looking to jump out of every hard situation into comfortable blessing – He’s wanting you to shift it.

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3) Turn the Other Cheek

When you have a dream, it is incredibly easy to compare yourself to the person beside you, or in today’s case, in your Instagram feed. We see people doing or having what we want and many times, even take offense for not being included.

Offense, jealousy and envy breed discontentment and kill breakthrough. God wants a secure church more than anything – one that knows their value and loves others unconditionally like Jesus did. If you cannot learn how to treat people well when they disappoint you, He cannot trust you with more.

I have seen God consistently set me up for blessing when I have made the active choice in hard disappointment to go above and beyond for that person and actively serve them. This is Kingdom principle.

4) Put Love Into Action

Saying you love someone is one thing, but sacrificing and going out of your way to do something for someone is a whole different story. Love costs something. I recently heard a pastor talk about the story of Abraham being instructed to sacrifice Isaac, and this point stuck with me pretty hard – God knew how Abraham was going to respond, but He wanted to experience Abraham’s love and dedication to Him.

When we do something such as tithing and being generous to others, we are letting Him experience our love and trust in Him. Prayer is powerful, but just like any significant relationship, actions of love really cement things and have a power of their own.

5) Be Thankful

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Phil. 4:6

What parent wants to keep giving their kid gifts who does not already appreciate what they have been given? Just like any good parent, God wants to help us and bless us, but it has to be really disappointing when we constantly agree with our perceived lack rather than the abundance He has given us.

If you want to be happy in life, just start declaring God’s praise and thanking Him for what you have been given. Our minds tend to gravitate towards our problems and disappointments and unless you are actively acknowledging the good in your life, disappointment will always trump joy.

I want to reiterate that the goal in all of this is not to create a church that views God as a vending machine. When we sign up to wear Christ’s name, everything does not just smooth out and become super comfortable. Actually, there is a good amount of promised discomfort through persecution and suffering. But my point is that it is vital to see that He sent us the Comforter (Holy Spirit) and is a good Father. We have to come to grips with the fact that God really really loves us, and wants to do good for those who love him.

Seek Him first, and see what He does in your life.

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