Never show up unprepared on Sunday again
Perfectly learn your instrument/vocal parts in half the time! Guaranteed. Get instant access to videos, resources, and tools that teach you the exact song parts so you and your worship band never stress learning songs again. This means you’ll sound incredible all while increasing your confidence on stage!

Overwhelmed by Sunday Prep? Let’s Make It Easier.
We get it. You want to sound as good as the record and serve your worship team well, but sometimes it feels overwhelming.
Trying to figure out your part when it’s buried in the mix can take forever—especially if you’re new and don’t have the tools or experience to break it down. And with a full-time job, family, hobbies, and everything else on your plate, who has all that extra time to spare?
It’s exhausting. You’re burned out before you even get to rehearsal, and after all that effort, it still doesn’t feel like you’re giving the songs justice.
That’s why Worship Online exists. Our step-by-step tutorials—taught by many of the artists themselves—make it simple to learn your parts fast and sound amazing. No more stress. No more guessing. Just show up prepared, confident, and ready to worship the way you’ve always wanted to.
Let’s take the pressure off. Join Worship Online today and see why thousands of worship team members are calling it their new “secret” rehearsal tool.
A growing library of today’s top worship songs

How It Works
"It's like having the members of your favorite worship bands sitting next to you teaching you their parts."
Worship leaders – now you can sound like the album without having a single professional musician. Whether you’re an individual musician, or a worship leader equipping your team, we have the tools to have you learning your entire set in minutes (even if you can’t play by ear). Express yourself in worship with a new confidence!

Enhance your culture of excellence

Eliminate the guesswork
Isolate and learn ALL of the parts, exactly like the artist plays/sings them. From parts that are hard to hear, to soaring leads. No more struggling to learn parts!

Play/Sing with confidence
Imagine walking up on stage and playing/singing your parts with full confidence. And having the freedom to express yourself in worship without worrying about what you’re playing/singing. Over 15,134 worship team members are already doing it with Worship Online each week!

Worship Online
Mobile App
Our award-winning mobile app has over 4827 five star reviews in the App Store, and counting. Access the tools you need on the go with a library of songs that is constantly growing to keep you up-to-date with the latest worship music.
Mobile app requires an active Worship Online subscription

Ready to give it a try?
Get instant access to instrument and vocal tutorials for over 700 of today’s top worship songs!