10 Worship Songs For Communion [With Tutorials]

  • Written By 
  • Shalon Palmer

Worship Songs About Communion

Welcome to our blog post on 10 worship songs for communion! Communion is a powerful moment in any worship service. It brings us face to face with the incredible sacrifice that Jesus made for us, and reminds us to continually surrender ourselves fully to him.

In this post, we’ll explore 10 of the most impactful worship songs about communion, and what we can learn from them as we surrender ourselves each time we come to the Lord’s table.

For every song listed, we have full band tutorials, chord/lyric charts (in every key), and tabs. Just choose your instrument to be taken directly to the lesson.

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We hope this list helps you find just the right songs to make your next worship service truly remarkable.

So without further ado…

10 Worship Songs For Communion

1. He Is Faithful – Bryan and Katie Torwalt

And He has paid the highest price
And He has proven His great love for us
And we will praise Him with our lives
And proclaim our love for Him

Starting off our list of worship songs about communion is “He Is Faithful.” These lyrics relate to the theme of Communion by highlighting the sacrifice that Jesus made for us and the love that He has for us. The lyrics mention that Jesus “has paid the highest price” and “has proven His great love for us”, which is a reference to the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. This is the ultimate sacrifice that makes Communion possible and meaningful. 

The lyrics also express a desire to respond to this love by “praising Him with our lives” and “proclaiming our love for Him”, which is in line with the purpose of Communion which is to reflect and give thanks for the sacrifice of Jesus and to renew our commitment to follow him.

2. First Love – Kari Jobe, Cody Carnes

There’s a table just for You and me
Break the bread and pour the wine
Perfect union, nothing in between
I am Yours and You are mine

This is a new praise and worship song about communion. These lyrics explore the theme of communion by illustrating its significance in expressing deep love and commitment. The phrase “There’s a table just for You and me” suggests that taking communion together is an intimate experience between a person and Jesus. Additionally, being asked to “Break the bread and pour the wine” implies that taking part in this sacred ritual is a privilege. 

Moreover, the chorus reinforces this notion as it emphasizes Jesus being the one true love – something often expressed through communion. Finally, the bridge conveys how powerful and meaningful an emotional connection with Jesus can be when taking communion together.

3. Remembrance – Hillsong Worship

I take the bread of life
Broken for all my sin
Your body crucified
To make me whole again

These lyrics relate to the theme of communion in the Bible by emphasizing the importance of reflecting on Jesus’ sacrifice, and being forever changed by it. The phrase “I take the bread of life / Broken for all my sin” suggests a personal journey towards salvation through remembering His death and resurrection. Moreover, the lyrics “Your body crucified / To make me whole again” implies that taking part in this ritual is an act of surrendering oneself to Him. 

Furthermore, the phrase “to trade this sinner’s end / For Your new covenant” highlights how forgiving our sins can be made possible by accepting His grace – something often expressed through communion in the Bible. Finally, the chorus conveys how powerful and meaningful an emotional connection with Jesus can be when taking communion together as a symbol of His love.

When it comes to worship songs about communion, this is one that cannot be missed.

4. Thank You Jesus For The Blood – Charity Gayle

There is nothing stronger
Than the wonder working power of the blood
The blood
That calls us sons and daughters
We are ransomed by our Father
Through the blood

These lyrics point us to Communion by referencing the central themes of sacrifice and redemption, which are at the heart of the Communion sacrament. The lyrics mention the idea of being a “wretch” and “lost” and “blind” before being saved by Jesus, which is a reference to the human condition of being separated from God by sin. The lyrics also mention the idea of a “breach” or “chasm” being “far too wide” between the singer and God, which is a reference to the barrier that sin creates between us and God. 

The lyrics then describe how Jesus “made a way” and “paid the debt” that the singer owed, breaking the chains of sin and freeing the soul, which is a reference to the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. The lyrics also mention the idea of being “transformed” and “washed white” by the blood of Jesus, which is a reference to the forgiveness of sins and the new life that is made possible through Communion.

The last two lines of the song “The blood / That calls us sons and daughters / We are ransomed by our Father / Through the blood” is a reference to how the blood of Jesus is the means by which we are adopted as children of God.

5. For The Cross – Bethel Music

The life You gave
Your body was broken
Your love poured out
You bled and You died for me
There on that cross
You breathed Your last as You were crucified
You gave it all for me

These lyrics reference the central themes of sacrifice and redemption that are at the heart of the Communion sacrament. The lyrics mention the idea of Jesus’ body being “broken” and “bled” and “died” for the singer, which is a reference to the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. The lyrics also mention the idea of Jesus being “crucified” and “breathed his last” which is a reference to the physical suffering that Jesus went through on the cross. The lyrics also mention the idea of God the Father “watching his only son be sacrificed” which is a reference to how the sacrifice of Jesus was not only for the sake of humanity but also for the glory of God. 

The lyrics also mention the idea of Jesus being “sealed in the darkness” and “lifeless laid” in the ground, which is a reference to the death of Jesus. The lyrics also mention the idea of Jesus rising from the dead, which is a reference to the resurrection of Jesus and the victory that it represents. The last line of the song “We thank You for the cross” is a reference to the gratitude for the sacrifice of Jesus and the salvation that it brings. All these elements are essential in Communion, it is a reminder of the sacrifice of Jesus and the love that he has for us.

6. Jesus Paid It All – Passion, Kristian Stanfill

Jesus paid it all
All to him I owe
Sin had left a crimson stain
He washed it white as snow

These lyrics allude to the concept of communion, or the shared communal experience among believers. When Jesus paid everything on the cross – all sins and transgressions that had left a “crimson stain” were washed as white as snow. This act symbolizes our spiritual redemption in God’s eyes, and signifies His undying love for us. This is how these lyrics relate to communion: when we join together in celebration and remembrance of His sacrifice, we can find strength in Him and share in the same spirit of renewal and grace.

7. Alabaster Heart – Kalley Heiligenthal, Bethel Music

Let it rise like incense
My whole life a fragrance
Every ounce here broken at Your feet
Every breath an offering
My heart cries, these lungs sing

These lyrics express the idea of giving oneself fully in worship and devotion to God. The imagery of an “alabaster heart” and “alabaster cross” is reminiscent of the biblical story of the woman who anointed Jesus’ head with expensive oil in the book of Mark. This act of devotion is similar to the act of taking Communion, in which believers partake of bread and wine as symbols of Jesus’ body and blood, and symbolize their devotion to him. The lyrics also express the idea that worship is not limited to a single act or moment, but rather is a lifetime commitment to giving oneself fully to God.

8. Come Ye Sinners – Vertical Worship

Come ye thirsty to the fountain
Come and find His goodness here
True belief and true repentance
Every grace that brings you near

These lyrics express the themes of salvation, repentance, and the need for a savior. The lyrics invite the listener to come to Jesus, who is ready and willing to save them. The imagery of a fountain and the mention of “true belief and true repentance” can be related to the act of Communion in Christianity. Communion is seen as a sacrament of repentance and a symbol of the believer’s faith in Jesus as their savior. The lyrics also emphasize the idea of finding life in Jesus and not looking back, which can be compared to the idea of eternal life promised to believers in Jesus in the Bible.

9. Lead Me To The Cross – Hillsong UNITED

Lead me to the cross
Where Your love poured out
Bring me to my knees
Lord I lay me down
Rid me of myself
I belong to You

These lyrics portray communion between God and man in an intimate, personal way. The singer is asking for Jesus to lead him to the cross and pour out His love, which provides us with redemption and freedom from our sins. The lyrics invite the listener to come to Jesus and lay down their own desires and selves, and instead belong to Jesus.

The imagery of the cross and the mention of Jesus’ blood being spilled for the listener’s ransom can be related to the act of Communion. The song’s message of surrendering completely to Jesus demonstrates the power of faith and devotion that comes with shared spiritual unity – a beautiful reminder of how powerful our communion with the divine can be.

10. Mighty Cross – Elevation Worship

Oh the cross of Jesus Christ
He’s the reason I’m alive
For His blood, has set me free
It will never lose, its power for me!

The last song on our list of worship songs about communion is “Mighty Cross.” These lyrics describe the crucifixion, resurrection and the power of the cross of Jesus Christ. They express the idea of salvation and redemption through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.

The imagery of the cross and the mention of Jesus’ death and resurrection, is clearly related to the act of Communion in Christianity, which is seen as a sacrament of repentance and a symbol of the believer’s faith in Jesus as their savior. The lyrics also emphasize the idea of the power of the cross that never loses its power for the believer. The act of Communion is also a reminder of the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, the believer’s repentance and faith in Jesus.

Tutorials For Worship Songs About Communion (And Hundreds More)

With all the additional moving parts that come with planning a worship service, we want you to have the peace of mind to know that your team is going to show up, fully prepared knowing every part for each of the songs on your set.

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As you’re exploring these powerful worship songs about communion, we recognize the importance of having the right resources to support our worship. That’s why, to take your worship experience to the next level, we highly recommend you to check out WorshipOnline.com.

Our online platform provides high-quality, professionally recorded tutorials, lessons, chord charts and tabs for these and hundreds more. You can perfectly learn your instrument and vocal harmony parts in minutes, not hours.

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