10 Worship Songs About Prayer [With Tutorials]

  • Written By 
  • Shalon Palmer

Worship Songs About Prayer

When it comes to leading worship, the power of prayer cannot be understated. In the midst of a chaotic world, prayer offers a moment of peace, a chance to connect with God, and the opportunity to present our deepest desires and concerns. Music is a powerful tool that helps to express our heart’s desire for God. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of 10 praise and worship songs about prayer (or with the theme of prayer).

For this list, we stuck with contemporary praise and worship songs about prayer. These songs will be sure to enhance your worship experience while helping you to deepen your connection with God through prayer. Join us as we explore the lyrics and messages of these powerful worship songs. So whether you’re a worship leader or just looking to discover new ways to incorporate prayer into your personal prayer and quiet time, you’re in the right place.

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As we explore these powerful worship songs, we recognize the importance of having the right resources to support our worship. That’s why, to take your worship experience to the next level, we highly recommend you to check out WorshipOnline.com.

Our online platform provides high-quality, professionally recorded tutorials, lessons, chord charts, and tabs for these and hundreds more. You can perfectly learn your instrument and vocal harmony parts in minutes, not hours.

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With Worship Online, you can instantly eliminate the stress of preparing for a service. While also increasing your confidence on stage. This will ensure you are able to fully engage with the music while leading your congregation in worship. Sign up now for a free trial, and join over 15,143 other worship teams/musicians who are calling Worship Online their “secret” tool for perfecting their parts for Sunday.

For every song listed, we have full band, & vocal harmony tutorials to make preparing for your set a breeze.

We hope this list helps you find just the right songs to make your next worship service truly remarkable.

1. Battle Belongs – Phil Wickham

“So when I fight
I’ll fight on my knees
With my hands lifted high
O God, the battle belongs to you
Every fear I lay at your feet I’ll sing through the night
Oh God, the battle belongs to you”

These lyrics express the idea that when we are facing challenges, it’s important to turn to God in prayer. The lyrics mention the idea of “fighting on my knees.” This is an image of humility and submission. Meaning that when we are in difficult situations, we should turn to God and ask for his help and protection.

The lyrics also mention “with my hands lifted high” which is a gesture of prayer and worship. It symbolizes the lifting up of your troubles and supplications to God. It also demonstrate the act of surrendering our worries, difficulties, and battles to God.

The line “every fear I lay at your feet” is also a powerful image of surrendering our concerns to God in prayer. Then entrusting that He will provide. It also highlights that through prayer and by surrendering to God we can find strength, peace, and assurance

“Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s. Stand firm… and see the deliverance the Lord will give you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the Lord will be with you.”

2 Chronicles 20:15- 17. 

This passage reminds us that God is always with us when we go into battle. And that He will provide deliverance if we are faithful and trust in Him. These encouraging words are echoed in the lyrics “the battle belongs to you…”

2. The Blessing – Elevation Worship, Kari Jobe, Cody Carnes

“May His favor be upon you
And a thousand generations
And your family and your children
And their children and their children”

Although this song isn’t technically “about” prayer, it must be included in this list. This is because, as with other songs in this list, the entire song IS a prayer. Further, the majority of the song is taken directly from the Bible. The first verse lyrics reflect a biblical passage found in Numbers 6:24-26 which reads:

“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.”

Numbers 6:24-26

This passage speaks of God’s love for us, His desire to bless us, protect us, and show kindness to us. The first Bridge is taken from Psalm 115:13-14 which reads:

“May the Lord bless you from Zion, so that you may see the prosperity of Jerusalem all the days of your life and see your children’s children. May peace be upon Israel.”

Psalm 115:13-14

This passage speaks to God’s promise of blessing future generations. He not only desires to bless us, but those that come after us, including our families and children. Go here to read the full lyrics

3. Fresh Wind – Hillsong Worship

“Spirit sound rushing wind
Fire of God fall within
Holy Ghost
Breathe on us we pray
As we repent, turn from sin
Revival embers smoldering
Breath of God
Fan us into flame”

This is the newest contemporary worship song about prayer on this list. These lyrics reflect the idea of prayer being an invitation to God. It is also a call for His presence and power. By asking for the “Spirit sound rushing wind” and the “Fire of God fall within,” we invite the Holy Spirit into our lives and draw close to God. Likewise, by calling for repentance and turning from sin, we desire a revival in our hearts and a deepening of our faith.

Finally, my favorite lyric is “Breath of God [to] fan us into flame”. By asking this, we hope that He will use us powerfully in furthering His kingdom. These words perfectly capture what it means to come before God in prayer.

These lyrics draw heavily from biblical passages which describe the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. In Acts 2, verses 1-4, we are reminded of the Spirit coming “like a rush of mighty wind” and assuming His place as God’s representative in the early church. This imagery is echoed in our lyrics with the phrase “Spirit sound rushing wind.”

Furthermore, our plea for God’s fire to fall within reflects passages such as Joel 2:28-29 where God promises to pour out His spirit on all flesh and grant them dreams that will bring revival. In these lyrics, we call upon God’s presence, petitioning Him to breathe on us as we repent and turn from sin, generating embers of new life and fanning us into flame.

4. Holy Water – We The Kingdom

“God I’m on my knees again
God I’m begging please again
I need You, oh I need You

Walking down these desert roads
Water for my thirsty soul
I need You, Oh I need You


When it comes to worship songs about prayer, this one can’t be missed. The lyrics in this song reflect the very heart of prayer. In asking God while “on my knees again”, we acknowledge our need of Him and His help. We recognize without Him we are lost in deserts of life. Like parched travellers, we call out for “water for [our] thirsty soul”. Scripture expresses this longing to pour out one’s heart before the Lord in prayer.

The desire expressed in these lyrics is to cry out for the Lord in our times of need. This theme is often found throughout scripture. We see David crying out for God’s presence on the battlefield (1 Samuel 17:37). We also see Hannah’s prayer for a son in 1 Samuel 1:10-13. These lyrics call to mind countless accounts of individuals asking God for comfort, strength, and guidance in their lives.

The lyrics also echo Isaiah 41:17-18 where God promises to be “like fire” unto his chosen people. He also promises here to never leave them nor forsake them. The desperate plea to God from these lyrics stands as an example of faith despite fear or struggles with doubt.

5.1 The Lord’s Prayer – Hillsong Worship

“Father in Heaven
Holy is Your Name
Your kingdom come
Your will be done on earth
As it is in Heaven
Yours is the kingdom
The power, & The Glory Forever”

When it comes to worship songs about prayer, this one can’t be overlooked. This is because these lyrics are simply a reciting of The Lord’s Prayer found in Mathew 6:9-13.

“Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from the evil one. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.”

Mather 6:9-13

These are the words Jesus himself used with he was teaching us how to pray.

5.2 Our Father – Bethel Music

“Our Father in Heaven
Hallowed be Your name
Your Kingdom come quickly
Your will be done the same
On Earth as it is in Heaven
Let Heaven come to Earth
as it is in Heaven Let Heaven come”

These lyrics to this song are the exact same as the Hillsong version above in 5.1. However, the structure, melody, rhythm, and overall vibe of each song is very different. Give them both a listen and see which version fits in your set the best.

6. Build Your Kingdom Here – Rend Collective

“Come set your rule and reign In our hearts again
Increase in us we pray

Unveil why we’re made
Come set our hearts ablaze with hope
Like wild fire in our very souls
Holy Spirit come invade us now”

This is the perfect song to build your relationship with Christ Jesus. These lyrics are a beautiful prayer for the Holy Spirit to come and fill us with hope and peace. When we ask for God’s reign in our hearts, we align our desires with His will. We surrender control of our lives into His hands.

We ask that He increase His presence within us and reveal why we were made. This is so that through Him we can experience “hope like wild fire” in every part of our being. This is a powerful request which demonstrates faith, trust, and admiration for God’s power.

The lyrics also reflect the value of prayer by calling on the Holy Spirit to come and inhabit our hearts. This plea is echoed throughout scripture, as believers are encouraged to cry out for God’s presence in their lives. In particular, these lines echo a prayer from Romans 5:5 which says

“the love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.”

Romans 5:5

Through these lyrics, we are essentially asking for an increase in faith and knowledge. We can then open up space for God to “set our hearts ablaze…” And greater fill us with His love.

7. Jesus Be The Center – Israel & New Breed

“Jesus be the center
Jesus be the center
Every knee will bow
Every tongue shall confess you”

These lyrics express a prayer of surrender to Jesus as Lord and Savior. Every knee will bow in reverence to Him and every tongue will confess His name. By recognizing this, we can come before God in humility, recognizing our complete dependence on Him.

This prayer is much more than just an act of devotion. It is also a reminder of the power and authority that Jesus holds. We offer gratitude to God and ask for Him to be central in our lives through this prayer.

This expression of prayer appears in many places in the Bible. In Romans 14:11, it states

“For it is written, As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.”

Romans 14:11

Similarly, Philippians 2:10-11 reads

“…that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.”

Philippians 2:10-11

This phrase is used as an expression of surrender to God’s authority in our lives as believers. By recognizing that every knee will bow in reverence to Him and every tongue will confess His name we can come before Him with humility and a heart of gratitude.

8. Lord I Need You – Passion, Chris Tomlin

“Lord, I come, I confess
Bowing here I find my rest
Without You I fall apart
You’re the One
that guides my heart”

Although it’s not a hymn, this song has become a classic worship song about prayer. These lyrics express a prayer of dependence on the Lord. The lyrics evoke the idea that without God, life can be chaotic and disorienting. Bowing in surrender before Him is an act of recognition that He is the only one who can provide stability and peace for our hearts.

By acknowledging His sovereignty over our lives we can come to Him with faith and trust, knowing that He will guide us even in our darkest moments. This prayer of dependence allows us to experience a deep connection with God as we truly trust Him to lead us in all circumstances.

There are several Bible verses that express a similar sentiment to this. Psalm 127:2 says

“It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives to his beloved sleep.”

Psalm 127:2

This verse emphasizes the importance of finding our rest in God, who will provide us with peace and stillness no matter what troubles lie outside of His walls. Isaiah 40:31 also provides comfort for those who are weary:

“But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.”

Isaiah 40:31

These Scriptures remind us that we can find rest in God when we come before Him in prayer and trust Him to guide us through all of our trials.

9. Same God – Elevation Worship

“You heard Your children then
You hear Your children now
You are the same God (2x)
You answered prayers then
And You will answer now
You are the same God (2x)”

This song is one of my personal favorite worship songs about prayer. If you haven’t added this to your setlist yet, I highly recommend you consider it.

The lyrics to this song express confidence and trust in the God who is unchanging and reliable. It is a reminder of His faithfulness throughout time; that no matter what trials we face, He is still the one who hears us and will answer our prayers. The lyrics remind us that we can come to Him in prayer with assurance that He hears and understands, knowing that He has been faithful to His people for centuries. This prayer of faith reassures us that God’s love for us never wavers, even through our darkest seasons of life.

These lyrics remind us that God is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). Through this faith-filled anthem, we can be assured that the prayers we cry out to Him now, just as those of generations before us, will not fall on deaf ears. This song encourages us to trust in the ever-present glory of God and that He remains faithful to His promises; providing hope and security for believers everywhere.

10. Honey In The Rock – Brooke Ligertwood

“I keep looking I keep finding
You keep giving keep providing
I have all that I need
You are all that I need
I keep praying You keep moving
I keep praising You keep proving”

These lyrics offer a powerful reminder that prayer is not an idle exercise but something that has tangible results. They express thankfulness for God’s provision and guidance, reminding us that He will always provide what we need.

The lyrics also reflect the act of trusting in God’s plans and allowing Him to work in His own timing and way. We can rest assured that our prayers are never unheard or unanswered. He is always in motion and taking action on our behalf.

These lyrics also express a beautiful truth found throughout the Bible. The truth that God is always present and providing for us in ways both seen and unseen. He is the One who satisfies our deepest longing and need, just as He has done since the beginning of time (Psalm 20:7). Even when we don’t fully understand what He’s doing or why, we can trust that He is faithfully answering our prayers and working on our behalf (Jeremiah 33:3). By praising His name, we affirm our faith in Him and serve to glorify His works.

Next steps:

  1. Head to WorshipOnline.com
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  3. Start Learning
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Tutorials For Worship Songs About Prayer (And Hundreds More)

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