Worship Songs For Baptism Services 2023

  • Written By 
  • Shalon Palmer

Worship Songs For Baptism Services 2023

Welcome to our list of the 15 best worship songs for baptism services. As a Christian, baptism is a significant sacrament that marks the beginning of a new chapter in a person’s faith journey. It is a time for the church to come together and celebrate the new life that has been born in Christ. 

Whether you’re in charge of planning a baptism ceremony at your church or looking for ideas to make the moment meaningful, finding worship songs dedicated to the occasion can be a daunting task. That’s why we have compiled this list of contemporary praise and worship songs that are perfect for baptism services. 

These songs are sure to help create an atmosphere of joy and celebration and provide an opportunity for reflection and worship. These contemporary songs will help set the tone and mood as you celebrate this momentous day in someone’s faith journey. So, without further ado, here are the 15 best praise and worship songs for baptism services.

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We hope this list helps you find just the right songs to make your next worship service truly remarkable.

So without further ado, let’s start off with the slower/chill songs to get us in our feels. 

Chill Worship Songs For Baptism Services

1. New Wine – Hillsong Worship

The lyrics for “New Wine” by Hillsong closely relate to baptism in several ways. The lyrics speak of surrendering oneself to God, yielding to Him, and allowing Him to make new things out of the person. The lyrics also speak of the power and freedom that comes from allowing God to work in one’s life. This is something that is also reflected in the sacrament of baptism, where one surrenders themselves to God and receives his grace and forgiveness.

This is a great worship song about baptism to sing during a service because the song speaks directly to the theme of surrender and new beginnings. Both of which are central to the sacrament of baptism. The lyrics also express the idea of being made new through the work of God, which is what happens when one is baptized.

This song can be a powerful reminder of the transformation that takes place during baptism, and can help to set the tone for the service and encourage the participants to fully embrace the sacrament. Additionally, the lyrics that speak of “new wine” could also be a metaphor for the new life in Christ that one receives during baptism.

2. All Things New – Elevation Worship

What better way to proclaim your new life in Christ than with a song about how Jesus makes “All Things New.” More specifically, these lyrics express the idea of being made new through the redemption and forgiveness provided by Jesus Christ. The lyrics relate to the theme of baptism in the sense that it speaks of redemption and new life through God. The song speaks of peace, redemption, guilt withdrawn, hope, love, and grace. 

These themes align with the idea of being baptized as a symbol of being washed clean from sin and starting a new life in Jesus Christ. The lyrics also mention that as God rises, we come alive, aligning with the idea of being reborn through baptism and committing to living a life following God. 

A worship leader should sing this song during a baptism service to remind the congregation of the new life they are beginning through baptism. And also to express gratitude for God’s grace and redemption. The song also encourages the congregation to embrace their new life in Christ and to be grateful for the love and grace of God.

This emotionally charged song captures not just the joy of this special moment but also its solemnity and reverence, making it perfect for worship leaders to sing during a baptismal ceremony.

3. First Love – Kari Jobe

The song “First Love” by Kari Jobe relates to the theme of baptism in that it speaks of a person’s deep desire to return to their first love, which is their creator, God. The lyrics express a longing to be fully immersed in God’s love and to be made new again

This is a good worship song about baptism to sing during a service because the lyrics speak to the power and beauty of having a relationship with God. It also captures the feeling of being overwhelmed by His love and grace. With references to returning to a secret place and experiencing perfect union, the song poetically expresses the joy, awe, and reverence of being baptized. It is also a reminder that although you are proclaiming your faith publicly, in your heart, this is an intimate marriage between you and God. 

The chorus celebrates this newfound relationship in its passionate words of “You’re still my first love” while the bridge reinforces this idea with the assurance that “Your love is wild”. These emotionally charged lyrics make it an ideal choice for worship leaders to sing during a baptismal ceremony – allowing them to truly honor and celebrate this special occasion.

4. This I Believe (The Creed) – Hillsong Worship

“This I Believe (The Creed)” by Hillsong Worship affirms the core beliefs of the Christian faith, including the belief in the Holy Trinity and that Jesus gave his life on the cross for our sins. It also emphasizes the importance of confessing and professing one’s faith. Which is what one is doing during baptism. 

The song’s emphasis on confessing faith aligns with the theme of baptism as it encourages listeners to declare their belief in Jesus publicly. And to be baptized is a public declaration of that faith. The lyrics also express the belief in the power of the Name of Jesus and its ability to forgive, save and bring eternal life. This is consistent with the idea that baptism is a sacrament of cleansing and rebirth and that the Name of Jesus is central to this sacrament.

Including “This I Believe (The Creed)” by Hillsong Worship in a baptism service can help create an environment where people feel connected to each other and to God through their shared beliefs. It is sure to bring everyone together as they express their commitment to following Jesus with joy and hope.

5. Come As You Are – Crowder

The lyrics for “Come As You Are” by Crowder are very closely tied to baptism in that they are an invitation for the broken and burdened to come and find healing and redemption through faith in Jesus. The lyrics encourage the listener to lay down their burdens, shame, and heartache and come as they are, to find mercy, grace, and hope through salvation. 

The lyrics also speak of the healing and restoring power of God, saying that there is no sorrow that heaven can’t heal. This reflects the idea of grace, no matter what one’s past may be, you can come to the Lord and find acceptance and redemption.  And since baptism symbolizes being washed clean from past sins and starting anew, with a new identity in Christ, this song is a perfect addition to your baptism service.

Worship leaders can use this song as an invitation for people from all walks of life to come experience the love and grace of God

6. I Surrender – Hillsong Worship

The song “I surrender” is a proclamation of your need and desperation for God. This is closely related to baptism by expressing themes of humility, surrender and a desire for deeper connection with God. It’s important to remember that when we come before God to be baptized, we come humbly. We are desperately in need of what only He can give. And this song reminds us of that. 

The lyrics speak of the singer being “down on their knees” and “surrendering all” to God, which can be seen as a metaphor for the act of being baptized, where one is symbolically washed clean and made new in their relationship with God. The lyrics also express a desire for a deeper understanding and connection with God, which is what we are pursuing through the act of baptism.

7. Broken Vessels (Amazing Grace) – Hillsong Worship

“Broken Vessels” by Hillsong is a song that speaks to the transformative power of God’s grace and mercy, and the way in which He mends and restores broken people. It speaks of the salvation that is available through faith in Jesus Christ, and the way in which He makes us whole, taking our failures and weaknesses and using them for His glory. 

This message of redemption and transformation is particularly fitting for a baptism service, as it is during this sacrament that an individual publicly declares their faith in Jesus and is symbolically cleansed of their sins through the act of being submerged in water. Singing this song during a baptism service can help to reinforce the themes of repentance, forgiveness and new beginnings that are central to baptism, and encourage the person being baptized to embrace and celebrate the new life that they have received through their faith in Jesus.

8. Have It All – Bethel Music

The lyrics for “Have It All” by Bethel relate to the theme of baptism by expressing the idea of surrender and submission to God. The lyrics speak about the joy and peace that comes from surrendering all aspects of one’s life to God and being broken and undone by His unfailing grace. The chorus speaks about giving everything to God and laying it all down at His feet. 

The bridge emphasizes the idea of surrender by repeating the phrase “I lay it all down”. This is a great song to sing during a baptism service as it encourages the person being baptized to give their life to God, and to surrender all aspects of their life to Him. It also invites the congregation to reflect on the act of giving their all to God in their own lives. 

Mid-Tempo Worship Songs For Baptism Services

9. Holy Water – We The Kingdom

“Holy Water” by We The Kingdom lands as number one on our lists of worship songs for baptism because of its clear use of water imagery. It expresses the need for forgiveness and the imagery of being baptized or taken to the riverside to be “baptized” as a symbol of being cleansed and made new. The lyrics also express the idea of being a “dead man walking” and a “slave to sin” and the need to be “born again” which is closely associated with the act of baptism.

A worship leader should sing this song during a baptism service because it is a powerful reminder of the transformative power of baptism and the cleansing power of God’s forgiveness. The lyrics also express the need for a personal relationship with God and the importance of daily seeking His grace, which aligns with the theme of baptism as a sacrament of initiation into the Christian faith. The song also encourages the audience to lay down their past and embrace a new life in Jesus, which is in line with the meaning of baptism.

10. The Father’s House – Cory Asbury

The song “The Father’s House” by Cory Asbury relates to the theme of baptism by expressing the idea of being welcomed into the family of God through the sacrament of baptism. The lyrics describe a longing for a deeper connection with God and the feeling of being at home in His presence. 

These lyrics speak of letting go of burdens and mistakes and finding hope and forgiveness in the love and presence of the Father. The idea of checking shame at the door and being welcomed into the Father’s house can be paralleled to the act of being baptized, where an individual is symbolically washed clean of their sins and becomes a part of the family of God. Additionally, the lyrics speak of love and miracles taking place when the Father is present, which aligns with the transformative power of baptism and the belief that it is through the grace and love of God that one is saved.

Overall the song expresses the feeling of being reborn and starting a new journey in God’s love, which is the essence of baptism. This is an ideal song choice for any baptismal service as it speaks to the beauty of being welcomed home into the presence of God – no matter what state we find ourselves in. Worship leaders can use this song as an invitation for people to come experience the love and grace of God through baptism.

11. Graves Into Gardens – Elevation Worship

“Graves Into Gardens” by Elevation Worship is an inspiring and uplifting song that speaks to the power of faith in a baptism service. The lyrics reference the Old Testament story of Elisha, who used his faith to raise the dead, symbolizing redemption and new life through Christ. During a baptism service, this song serves as a powerful reminder that through Jesus we can be transformed and receive the gift of everlasting grace.

It also talks about how God turns mourning into dancing, beauty for ashes, shame into glory and graves into gardens. This is similar to the idea of baptism, where someone is washed clean of their sins and given new life in Christ. The lyrics also speak of God being the only one who can bring this kind of transformation in a person’s life, much like how only through baptism one can receive salvation and redemption.

12. Wonder – Hillsong United

The lyrics of “Wonder” by Hillsong United capture the awe-inspiring beauty of baptism. The song speaks of being given a new life after coming out of the waters, which is symbolic of being born again in Christ as one is baptized. The verses also speak to the power of God’s love and grace that is experienced through this sacred act.

The chorus, post-chorus and bridge all come together to paint a vivid picture of this experience – with references to light, wonder, life, grace, gospel, love and freedom – making it an ideal option for worship leaders singing during a baptism service. With its uplifting melodies and powerful lyrics, “Wonder” will surely be a beautiful addition to any baptismal ceremony.

13. Alive In You – Jesus Culture

The lyrics for “Alive in You” by Jesus Culture speak about the idea of being made for something more and being alive in God. The lyrics focus on the idea that even in difficult times, the singer is still alive in God. They mention the idea of being lost but now found, and being in the fire but still alive in God.

During a baptism service, this song can be sung to celebrate the new life that an individual is receiving through the sacrament of baptism. The lyrics can remind the individual that even in difficult times, they are alive in God and that God is sovereign over every step of their life. The song can also remind the congregation of the transforming power of baptism and encourage them to live a life that is fully devoted to God. This song can serve as a reminder of the power of God’s love and grace in our lives.

Further, the lyrics “It’s no longer I who live, but Christ who lives within me” speaks to the idea of being reborn in Christ and having Him live within us. The lyrics suggest that this new life is not one where the individual is in control, but rather it is Christ who lives within them and guides them. It is a reminder that when one is baptized, they are becoming a new creation in Christ, and it is Him who lives within them and guides them in their new life. 

Singing this song during a baptism service can remind the congregation of this transformation, and to celebrate the new life that the individual has received in Christ.

Upbeat Worship Songs For Baptism Services

14. God’s Great Dance Floor – Chris Tomlin

If you’re looking for an upbeat celebration worship song about baptism, this is it. The song “God’s Great Dance Floor” by Chris Tomlin relates to the theme of baptism in the sense that it talks about the idea of being made new and being reborn through faith in Jesus. The lyrics express that you are “coming back to the start,” meaning starting anew and coming back to God. 

The chorus says “All of heaven shouts: let the future begin.” These themes align with the idea of baptism as a new beginning and that Heaven celebrates along with us. The song also encourages the listener to dance and celebrate this new life in Christ, which can be seen as a metaphor for the joy and celebration that often surrounds a baptism ceremony.

I can already see your church using this song as they dance and celebrate this momentous day in someone’s faith journey. 

15. In The River – Jesus Culture

Here is another fun and upbeat praise and worship song for baptism. The lyrics of this song relate to the theme of baptism very cleary in that they speak of a “river” and a “fountain” where goodness flows and sorrows are drowned, which can be interpreted as a metaphor for the cleansing and renewing power of baptism. 

The lyrics also speak of a “current stirring deep inside” and a “flood of heaven crashing over us,” which can be interpreted as the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer, which often occurs during baptism. They also speak of “prison doors” being broken open, “captives” being set free, and a “well” springing up, which can be interpreted as the spiritual freedom and new life that a person receives through baptism. 

The accompanying music is driven by soaring guitars, driving drums, and powerful vocals that encourage listeners to join in with enthusiasm. This song creates an atmosphere full of joy and celebration – perfect for a baptism service. Worship leaders can use it as an opportunity for everyone present to come together in expressing their commitment to following Jesus.

Including “In The River” by Jesus Culture in a baptism service can help remind worshippers of the profound transformation that comes through accepting Jesus Christ into one’s life. It will bring people together as they lift up their voices in praise and celebrate this beautiful moment where lives are changed forever.

Worship Songs For Baptism (Honorable Mentions)

Resurrender – Hillsong Worship

When speaking of praise and worship songs for baptism, this song very clearly belongs on the list. However, the reason this song is an “honorable mention” is because I wanted it to have a place of its own. This song  has a clear theme “re” surrendering or “returning” back to a previous state of surrender. I know that often, people will choose to be baptized a second time. This could be for many reasons, which I won’t get into, however it does happen. While this song is great for a general baptism service, if your baptism service happens to  include an individual who is being baptized a second time, this is seemingly the perfect worship song.

The lyrics of the song “Resurrender” by Hillsong Worship relate to baptism in many ways. The verses talk of turning over tables and calling for a return to our lives upon the altar, clearing out the temple and cleaning out the dirt, and seeing a holy nation and chosen generation as people called to pray – all of which are concepts related to baptism. 

The bridge reinforces this theme with lines about being marked with God’s presence, heeding His hand’s correction, and running to resurrender. These lines speak of a willingness to join Him in His mission and yield ourselves anew – which is what baptism symbolizes.

This makes it an ideal choice for worship leaders singing during a baptism service. It’s not only a wonderful way to celebrate this special moment with meaningful music, but also offers an opportunity to reflect on the commitment being made through this sacred rite. With its powerful words and emotive melodies, “Resurrender” is sure to provide a beautiful soundtrack for sweet memories that will last forever.

3 Christian Worship Songs For Baptism (Loosely Related)

The Blessing – Elevation Worship, Kari Jobe, Cody Carnes

The lyrics for “The Blessing” by Elevation Worship express the idea of God’s blessings and protection over an individual’s life. The lyrics speak of God’s face shining upon the person, His grace, and His peace. They also speak of God’s presence going before, behind, beside, all around, and within the person. The lyrics also speak of the blessings being passed on to future generations.

When it comes to the theme of baptism, the lyrics speak to the idea of a new beginning and a new identity in Christ. As a person is baptized, they are symbolically dying to their old self and rising to a new life in Christ. The lyrics “May His presence go before you, And behind you, and beside you, All around you, and within you, He is with you, He is with you” speaks to the idea of God’s presence being constant and all-encompassing in a person’s life after they are baptized.

It would be fitting for a worship leader to sing this song during a baptism service as it expresses the idea of God’s blessings and protection, and His constant presence in the person’s life after they are baptized. It also speaks of passing on the blessings to future generations, which is a reminder of the importance of passing on faith to the next generation.

Glory To Glory – Bethel Music

The lyrics of “Glory To Glory” by Bethel Music are full of rich imagery that speaks to the power and beauty of baptism. The first verse acknowledges that we came from dust and were created by God, and have been taken higher through the grace of Jesus. The song goes on to speak of His sacrifice – taking our shame away – making it a good option for a baptismal service.

The chorus celebrates this newfound relationship in joyful words and emotional melodies, as it expresses the profoundness of being made a friend of God and brought into His endless kingdom. The bridge reinforces this idea with the assurance that “Love conquers everything”, making for a powerful anthem to be sung during a baptismal ceremony.

Cornerstone by Hillsong Worship

“Cornerstone” by Hillsong Worship is an uplifting and powerful song that speaks to the importance of Jesus in a baptism service. The lyrics are centered around the idea of Jesus being our foundation, connecting us with God and providing us with hope. This is especially meaningful during a baptism service, as it highlights the commitment to following Jesus through faith, as well as acknowledging Him as the cornerstone of our spiritual growth.

The music itself is stirring, with its sweeping melodies and inspiring harmonies creating an atmosphere conducive for reflection on one’s faith journey. This combination of passionate lyrics and beautiful music allows worshipers to come together in expressing their commitment and love for Jesus during a baptism service.

Including “Cornerstone” by Hillsong Worship in a baptism service can help create an environment where people feel connected to each other and to God through their shared beliefs. It is sure to bring everyone together as they express their love for Jesus with joy, hope, and devotion.

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Worship Songs for Baptism Instrument Tutorials

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