Musicians – Would You Go To Church If You Weren’t Playing?

  • Written By 
  • Shalon Palmer

Would you go to church if you weren't playing?

Today’s post is a little different than our posts in the past.  I want to ask a hard question.  One that may challenge a lot of us.  It’s a question that I believe the healthiness of our entire worship culture rests on.

So here it is: Would you go to church if you weren’t playing? I believe this is an extremely relevant question to us worship leaders and musicians.

The reason I ask this is not only from what I’ve seen, but because of what I’ve struggled with in my own heart through my years of ministry. Years ago I got so caught up in the “worship music scene” that if I wasn’t playing guitar that Sunday, I definitely wouldn’t go. I was a big shot. Within my 300 person church (wow!), I was famous! Even the thought of serving in some other department made me laugh.

Did you catch that word I used there? Serving. And serving is exactly what we are doing when we are part of a worship team.  Whether we are serving ourselves, or God, we are serving one way or the other.  Ask yourself the question: Who are you serving?

What I’ve seen way too often is a culture of “I’m better than you.” A culture where egos fly high and worship is more about the individual than God.  I probably hadn’t had a Sunday or Wednesday off in years, and the whole reason I was playing in the first place had been lost in the hustle and bustle of things. And I hate to say, but had I had a Sunday off, I don’t think I would have gone.

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So what did it take to knock me off my high horse? Falling back in love with Jesus. See, it wan’t that I wanted to be famous or was just interested in myself. I had simply gotten so wrapped up in the technical parts of playing and leading, that I left Jesus on the back-burner. I was being motivated by other things, and not Jesus.

It took some leadership from others for me to realize that Jesus wasn’t my inspiration anymore. I begged Him for forgiveness and dove head first back into his arms.

Are you always wanting the lead parts or the solos? Are you easily offended by others on your team? Maybe it’s time to check where you’re at on the servant scale. Trust me, it’s going to take you humbling yourself alot.  Allow God to move on you. Than ask yourself how you can better serve the team and the band.

It’s up to us, the leaders of our teams, to create a servant culture. We are always going to have people come in with misguided hearts, but we have to facilitate an atmosphere where it’s not about us. We have to show them that It’s all about serving God.

Leaders lead by example. Are you praying with your team? Having private worship time with just your team? SERVING your team members? If it were up to me, I’d have everyone on your teams clean the church bathrooms. Then we’ll really see who is in it to serve! (I’m kidding …kind of.)

I hope this doesn’t only challenge you, but inspire you! When you create a culture of serving, God will take your team to heights that it has never been!

The Worship Online team and I have a heart to see worship teams thrive! If that’s something you are passionate about too, help us share this post! Share it on Facebook, Twitter, or even email to a friend.

What are some ways that you help facilitate a culture of serving on your worship team? Leave a comment below!

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