Jon Egan on the High Cost of Church Hopping: Why Commitment is Essential for Your Spiritual Health

  • Written By 
  • Josh Kluge

Jon Egan on Remaining Planted

People spend their lives hopping around from church to church, looking for something that meets their spiritual needs. But they don’t realize the cost of church hopping from one community to the next. Our conversation with Jon Egan dives into this fully.

There is a spiritual depth in life that only comes with a commitment to a local church.

In this episode, we discuss with Jon Egan of New Life Worship why local church commitment is essential for lasting spiritual health.

What to expect from this episode

Time for you to get ready to be equipped with the encouragement and wisdom you need to make the most out of your community. Don’t miss this episode with Jon Egan that will inspire you to embrace commitment and experience the richness of a thriving spiritual life.

Jon Egan shares powerful insights on it’s vital to remain planted

In our conversation, Jon Egan spoke on the values and benefits of staying planted.

First, he discussed how remaining planted is the only way to truly see change happen in your local church.

It’s so easy to get frustrated and because of that, leave. You must commit to the long haul if you genuinely want to see transformation. Jon Egan spoke on how this is the only way to see the change you want to take place.

Why? Because change requires trust, and trust is earned over the long haul of relationships.
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Second, Jon Egan shared that remaining planted in a local church is an attribute of Jesus.

If you look at the life of Jesus, He’s outrageously faithful and outrageously steadfast. Bearing the image of Christ is our life calling. How Jesus approaches life is how we are to approach life. Kinda like the classic 90s bracelet, “WWJD?” This isn’t a cute kid’s church lesson to reinforce to our kids that hitting their siblings is bad. This way of living leads to flourishing: reflecting the character and nature of Jesus.

Jon Egan points out that when you look at the gospels, the character traits of Jesus scream of faithfulness and remaining steadfast. Overall, we are called to be that very thing!

Lastly, Jon Egan points out a new level of transformation that can only occur when planted.

As talented people on the platform, building a micro-celebrity identity is easy. The beauty of remaining planted is the awe-struck ‘you’re so amazing’ wears off, and people begin to know you for who you truly are. Jon Egan said it like this, “what I love about being at a church this long is that they are not impressed with me. They know me!”

It’s really easy to build identities around our talents.

But the way of the Kingdom is that the identity that we live from is of being His son and daughter, not our gifting. An identity built on gifting says I am valuable because of my talent. This type of life lives off of validation and feedback.

Overall, a rooted and planted life results in the most profound form of health.

In these environments, we are deeply known. Our lives become more like Jesus. Finally, we contribute to the community we are a part of, becoming more like Jesus. Our conversation with Jon Egan highlights why this is so valuable and how church hopping prevents you from experiencing the benefits of this type of life.

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Mentioned in the Episode 

New Life Worship’s New Release

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