10 Worship Songs About Blessings [With Tutorials]

  • Written By 
  • Shalon Palmer

Worship Songs About Blessings

Are you looking for songs that speak to the blessing of salvation in Jesus Christ? Then you’ve come to the right place! Here, we’ve compiled a list of 10 songs worship songs about blessings that will inspire and encourage your faith. From soul-lifting anthems to light-hearted ballads, these tunes are sure to fill your heart with joy as they remind us just how good our Father is.

Let these songs spark joy and refreshment in your spirit as they lift up His name and proclaim His mercy and grace. Enjoy!

For every song listed, we have full band tutorials, chord/lyric charts (in every key), and tabs. Just choose your instrument to be taken directly to the lesson.

And if you don’t have a WorshipOnline.com account yet, you can sign up for free here.

We hope this list helps you find just the right songs to make your next worship service truly remarkable.

So without further ado…

10 Worship Songs About Blessings

1. The Blessing – Elevation Worship, Kari Jobe, Cody Carnes

The Lord bless you
And keep you
Make His face shine upon you
And be gracious to you

The first worship song about blessings on our list is The Blessing. This song is a beautiful prayer to God, asking Him to turn His face toward us and give us peace while He blesses us and keeps us in His loving embrace. The lyrics reflect the belief that salvation comes through Jesus Christ and the blessings that come with belonging to Him.

It’s an affirmation of faith, remembering all the good gifts we’ve been given as believers in Christ, who is our source of hope and joy. The song serves as a reminder for us to look for God’s blessings every day and to use them as a way to witness to others about the power of His grace.

2. 10,000 Reasons – Matt Redman

Bless the Lord, O my soul,
O my soul, worship His holy Name
Sing like never before, O my soul
I’ll worship Your holy Name

This song is a worship song that expresses gratitude and reverence for God, focusing on the theme of blessings. The lyrics convey the idea that even in the face of life’s challenges and uncertainties, the singer will continue to bless and worship God, recognizing all the ways in which God has blessed them. The opening line “Bless the Lord, O my soul” sets the tone for the rest of the song, which is centered on the idea of giving thanks and praise to God for all of the blessings that have been received.

3. The Way (New Horizon) – Pat Barrett

Through every blessing
Through every promise
Through every breath I take
I believe that You are Provider

This song speaks to the power of faith and trusting in God’s sovereignty in all aspects of life, from battles and heartbreak to blessings and promises. The lyrics draw an important distinction between believing in something simple or abstract and choosing to believe in something powerful and tangible – Someone who is our protector, provider, and hiding place.

Through this song, we are reminded that having faith doesn’t mean we will never be challenged or experience pain; it means that even when life feels uncertain or hard, we can continue to trust in the Lord as He leads us through all of our circumstances.. The emphasis on blessings acknowledges the good gifts God gives us along our journey with Him. Even when times are hard, God is present and faithful to provide for us spiritually and emotionally.

This song is a reminder for us to appreciate each blessing – big or small – as a way of celebrating His goodness. We have access to abundant grace through His provision, no matter where we are at in our spiritual walk with Him. Choosing to recognize the blessings He bestows upon us is a beautiful act of praise that shows recognition for who He is and what He’s done for us.

4. There Was Jesus – Zach Williams, Dolly Parton

In the waiting, in the searching
In the healing and the hurting
Like a blessing buried in the broken pieces

These lyrics remind us that even amidst the waiting, searching, healing and hurting of life, we can trust in Jesus’ presence. The lyrics draw attention to the idea of blessings being present even when they are hard to detect or discern – like a blessing buried in the broken pieces. While it is often difficult to see beyond our immediate pain and suffering, these verses encourage us to have faith that God’s goodness is always with us.

 We are reminded that despite what we may be feeling or facing at any given moment, Jesus faithfully accompanies us through every minute and every moment of our lives. His grace is available no matter where we have been or where we are going, serving as a source of healing and hope for those who search for Him. As we seek His blessings in everything – no matter how small or insignificant it may seem – He will carry us through whatever darkness may come our way.

5. Goodness of God – Bethel Music

And all my life You have been faithful
And all my life You have been so, so good
With every breath that I am able
Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God

The lyrics of the song express gratitude and love for God, highlighting His mercy and faithfulness. The singer acknowledges that God has been present in their life and has guided them through difficult times. The theme of blessings is evident in the repeated references to God’s goodness and the singer’s declaration that with every breath, they will sing of that goodness.

The final lines emphasize the singer’s surrender to God and the belief that God’s goodness is constantly pursuing them. When is comes to worship songs about blessings, this is one that can’t be missed.

6. Blessed Be Your Name – Matt Redman

Blessed be Your name
When the sun’s shining down on me
When the world’s ‘all as it should be’
Blessed be Your name

The lyrics of “Blessed Be Your Name” express a thankful attitude towards God in both good and difficult times. The singer recognizes God’s abundance and blessings in a plentiful land, but also acknowledges that God’s name should be praised even in the wilderness or during dark moments.

The song is a declaration of faith, recognizing that God’s name is always deserving of blessing, regardless of the circumstances. The refrain, “Blessed be Your name,” is repeated multiple times, emphasizing the central theme of blessing and praise.

7. Psalm 100 – Chris Tomlin

It’s Your love
His love endures
His love endures, forever more
His faithfulness, it has no end
For the Lord is good and His love endures

These lyrics explore the theme that God’s blessings are available to all who come into His courts with grateful hearts, singing praises in thanks for His love and faithfulness. By reminding us of how He is good and His love endures forever more, these lyrics encourage us to enter His gates with joy in our hearts so that we may be blessed.

Through entering into God’s courts, we can discover a deep contentment and assurance knowing that God’s unconditional love presented through His grace and mercy never ends – it endures forevermore. We can be sure that no matter what life circumstances we face, if we make time to seek Him out then He will provide hope and blessings in whatever form they may come.

Ultimately, this reminds us that despite the darkness of life’s moments, there is always a source of light waiting for us in God’s goodness.

8. Joy – Planet Shaker

You have given me a
Joy that won’t stop
And will never leave
So I will praise you with gladness
For you are good

The lyrics of the song express gratitude for the blessings that God has given the singer, such as taking away their pain, turning their mourning into dancing, and giving them joy that won’t stop. The singer invites others to join in the celebration of God’s goodness and encourages them to make a joyful noise in praise of Him.

The central theme of blessings from God is evident in the repeated references to the positive changes that God has brought into the singer’s life, such as taking away pain and giving joy. The phrase “For you are good” is repeated multiple times, emphasizing the goodness and kindness of God as a source of blessings in the singer’s life.

The song is a celebration of God’s blessings and a testament to the positive impact that He can have on our lives.

9. Valley – Chris McClarney

There is beauty in the struggle
You don’t waste a single day
Your presence is my shelter
Your presence is my victory

These lyrics relate to the theme of blessings from God by expressing the faith and trust in God’s promises and protection. The lyrics speak to the struggles and difficulties of life, but affirms that even in these moments, God is with the singer and provides comfort and security.

The references to “goodness and mercy” following the singer, the presence of God being their shelter and victory, and God’s faithfulness all reinforce the idea of God’s blessings and the singer’s belief in them.

10. God You’re So Good – Passion

I am blessed, I am called
I am healed, I am whole
I am saved in Jesus’ name

The final worship song about blessings on our list is God You’re So Loved. These lyrics explore the theme of blessings from God, which come in the form of His amazing love and mercy. The song expresses how despite us not always deserving it, God’s kindness encompasses us with its immense power and brings us salvation. In moments of despair, we can still find solace in His presence and heed His call to be healed and saved by Him.

Tutorials For Worship Songs About Blessings (And Hundreds More)

With all the additional moving parts that come with planning a worship service, we want you to have the peace of mind to know that your team is going to show up, fully prepared knowing every part for each of the songs on your set.

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With Worship Online, you can instantly eliminate the stress of preparing for a service. While also increasing your confidence on stage. This will ensure you are able to fully engage with the music while leading your congregation in worship. Sign up now for a free trial, and join over 15,143 other worship teams/musicians who are calling Worship Online their “secret” tool for perfecting their parts for Sunday.

Learn how to play these songs in half the time…guaranteed.

As you’re exploring these powerful worship songs about blessings, we recognize the importance of having the right resources to support our worship. That’s why, to take your worship experience to the next level, we highly recommend you to check out WorshipOnline.com.

Our online platform provides high-quality, professionally recorded tutorials, lessons, chord charts and tabs for these and hundreds more. You can perfectly learn your instrument and vocal harmony parts in minutes, not hours.

Check out the video below to see how Cary Church, in NC is using Worship Online to sound incredible while saving hours every single week.

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  1. Head to WorshipOnline.com
  2. Create a free account (it takes less than a minute)
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