10 Worship Songs About The Church

  • Written By 
  • Shalon Palmer

Worship Songs About The Church

The Church is not just a building or an institution but a community of believers united in their faith and love for Jesus Christ. Worshiping together as The Church is a powerful way to express our devotion to God and celebrate the unity we share with one another. In this blog post, we’ve compiled a list of 10 worship songs about the church that celebrates The Church and its role in our lives as believers.

From anthems of praise to heartfelt ballads, these songs will inspire you to lift your voice in worship and give thanks for the gift of Christian community. So whether you’re looking for new songs to add to your church’s worship set or simply seeking inspiration for your personal time of worship, we hope these songs will encourage you in your faith journey as a member of The Church.

For every song listed, we have full band tutorials, chord/lyric charts (in every key), and tabs. Just choose your instrument to be taken directly to the lesson.

And if you don’t have a WorshipOnline.com account yet, you can sign up for free here.

We hope this list helps you find just the right songs to make your next worship service truly remarkable.

So without further ado…

10 Worship Songs About The Church

1. Heal Our Land – Kari Jobe

Spirit of God
Breathe on Your church
Pour out Your presence
Speak through Your word

The first worship song about The Church on our list is Heal Our Land. These lyrics relate to the theme of the church by emphasizing the unity and purpose of believers in Christ. The idea of one church, one bride, with Jesus as Lord of all, speaks to the concept of a universal body of believers united in their faith. The lyrics also express a desire for revival and renewal within the church, asking the Spirit of God to breathe new life into it and pour out His presence. 

This suggests that the church is not just a physical building or institution, but rather a living organism made up of people who are constantly in need of spiritual renewal and guidance. Additionally, the emphasis on praying for every nation and making Christ known highlights the mission and purpose of the church to share the message of salvation with others. Overall, these lyrics suggest that the church is not simply a passive entity but an active force in spreading God’s love and grace throughout the world.

2. Fresh Wind – Hillsong Worship

So we the church
Who bear Your light
Lamp aflame, city bright
King and kingdom come
Is what we pray

These lyrics relate to the theme of The Church by invoking the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. They speak of repentance, revival, purification, and strengthening of faith. The Church is seen as a community that bears God’s light and is called to pray for His kingdom to come. 

The lyrics express a desire for a fresh wind of the Holy Spirit, which is likened to the fragrance of Heaven and a holy anointing that empowers believers to live out their faith. Overall, these lyrics reflect the importance of spiritual renewal and transformation in the life of The Church.

3. House Of The Lord – Phil Wickham

There’s joy in the house of the Lord
Our God is surely in this place
And we won’t be quiet
We shout out Your praise

This song relates to The Church by proclaiming the greatness and power of God, who was, is, and evermore will be. They speak of God’s ability to perform mighty acts like opening prison doors and parting raging seas, which signifies His sovereignty over all things. 

The lyrics also express joy and celebration in the house of the Lord, as believers shout out praises to God for His healing and saving power. The reference to Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection from the grave highlights the central message of Christianity – that salvation comes through faith in Christ. Overall, these lyrics emphasize The Church’s belief in a powerful and loving God who is worthy of worship and praise.

4. Build Your Kingdom Here – Rend Collective

Holy Spirit, come invade us now
We are Your Church
And we need Your power
In us

This song relates to the theme of The Church by calling for the building of God’s kingdom on earth. The lyrics speak of overcoming darkness and bringing healing to communities, which reflects the Church’s mission to be a light in a world that often struggles with pain and suffering. The reference to setting the church on fire and winning back the nation highlights the importance of evangelism and spreading the message of Christ’s love. 

Additionally, the lyrics express a desire for personal transformation, asking God to rule and reign in our hearts and increase our understanding of why we are made. Overall, this song emphasizes The Church’s role in bringing hope, joy, and revival to a broken world through faith in God.

5. Resurrender – Hillsong Worship

We are Your people
You are our God
We are Your temple
Make us holy like You are

These lyrics relate to The Church by highlighting the importance of spiritual purity and dedication. The reference to turning over tables and clearing out the temple speaks to the need for repentance and a return to genuine worship. The lyrics also emphasize that as believers, we are God’s territory and His Church, called to live holy lives that reflect our faith in Him. 

Additionally, the song emphasizes the Church’s role as a chosen generation that is set apart for God’s purposes. Overall, these lyrics encourage believers to prioritize their relationship with God and seek His will in every moment, recognizing that our lives have eternal significance. When it comes to worship songs about The Church, this is one that can’t be missed.

6. We Believe – Newsboys

In the here and now
Let love invade
Let the church live loud
Our God, we’ll say
“We believe, we believe”

This song relates to the theme of The Church by emphasizing the importance of faith in God as the foundation for hope and salvation. The lyrics acknowledge the brokenness and darkness of our world but declare that there is only one source of true salvation – our belief in God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

The references to crucifixion, resurrection, and Christ’s return highlight key Christian beliefs and affirm the central role of Jesus in our faith. Additionally, the lyrics call on The Church to live out their faith boldly, sharing God’s love with others and declaring their belief in His power over all things. Overall, this song encourages believers to hold fast to their faith in God as they navigate life’s challenges and work together to bring His love and message to a hurting world.

7. Jesus At The Center – Israel & New Breed

Jesus be the center of Your Church
Jesus be the center of Your Church
And every knee will bow
And every tongue shall confess You

These lyrics relate to The Church by emphasizing Jesus as the center of everything. The song acknowledges that nothing else matters and that Jesus is what truly counts. The repetition of “Jesus be the center” emphasizes the centrality of Christ in The Church’s worship, mission, and purpose. Furthermore, the lyrics highlight how every knee will bow and every tongue confess Him as Lord, pointing to the ultimate authority and sovereignty of Jesus over all things. 

The song encourages believers to make Jesus the focus of their lives and reminds them that it is all about Him. Overall, these lyrics call on The Church to keep Christ at the center of everything they do, recognizing His importance in their individual lives and collective mission.

8. 1,000 Tongues – Vertical Worship

We have found our anthem
At the cross where sin was slain
Gathered under one name
Where every chain is broken
Every sorrow swept away

These lyrics relate to The Church by emphasizing the unity of believers under one name, gathered together in worship and praise of God. The song describes The Church as a sea of voices, an ocean of praise, and a tide that’s rising, highlighting the power and strength that comes when we join together in worship. The reference to “O for a thousand tongues to sing” is a nod to the classic hymn which has been sung by countless generations of Christians throughout history. 

Additionally, the lyrics celebrate the triumph of Christ over sin and death at the cross, acknowledging His worthiness as God. By calling on all heaven and earth to sing with one voice and recognize Jesus as the one holy King on the highest throne, this song reminds believers of their shared identity and purpose as members of The Church. Overall, these lyrics call on The Church to come together in worship and praise, celebrating their unity under Christ’s name and recognizing His triumph over all things.

9. Heal Our Land – Kari Jobe

The only thing
I want in life
Is to be known
For loving Christ
To build his church
To love his bride

This song relates to the theme of The Church by emphasizing the importance of building and loving Christ’s bride, which is The Church. The lyrics highlight the idea that the only thing that truly matters in life is being known for loving Christ and making His name known far and wide. This reflects The Church’s mission to spread the gospel message and make disciples of all nations. 

Additionally, the lyrics speak to the idea of surrendering everything for the cause of Christ, which is a central tenet of Christian faith. By leaving behind all that was once held dear, believers are able to fully embrace their calling to serve God and further His kingdom on earth. Furthermore, this song acknowledges that following Christ may involve trials and agonizing questions, but ultimately our hope abides in Him alone. By living and dying for the cause of Christ, we can find joy in fulfilling our purpose as members of His body, The Church.

 Overall, these lyrics call on believers to love and serve The Church as an expression of their love for Christ, surrendering all for His cause and finding hope in Him alone.

10. Good Grace – Hillsong UNITED

People come together
Strange as neighbors
Our blood is one
Children of generations
Of every nation
Of kingdom come

The final worship song about The Church on our list is Good Grace. These lyrics relate to The Church by emphasizing the unity of believers from diverse backgrounds and nations, as well as the centrality of Jesus Christ in our faith. The song celebrates the fact that despite our differences, we are all children of God’s kingdom and share a common bond through His love. Additionally, the lyrics encourage believers to hold onto hope and courage in the face of adversity, reminding them that their help comes from Jesus.

By acknowledging Jesus as our redemption and salvation through His blood, this song highlights the importance of Christ’s sacrifice in our faith and emphasizes His role as the light of heaven and friend forever. Overall, these lyrics call on The Church to come together in unity under Christ’s love, find strength in Him during difficult times, and celebrate His redemptive work on behalf of all people.

Tutorials For Worship Songs About The Church (And Hundreds More)

With all the additional moving parts that come with planning a worship service, we want you to have the peace of mind of knowing that your team is going to show up fully prepared, knowing every part for each of the songs on your set.

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With Worship Online, you can instantly eliminate the stress of preparing for a service. While also increasing your confidence on stage. This will ensure you are able to fully engage with the music while leading your congregation in worship. Sign up now for a free trial, and join over 15,143 other worship teams/musicians who are calling Worship Online their “secret” tool for perfecting their parts for Sunday.

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As you explore these powerful worship songs about the Church, we recognize the importance of having the right resources to support our worship. That’s why, to take your worship experience to the next level, we highly recommend you to check out WorshipOnline.com.

Our online platform provides high-quality, professionally recorded tutorials, lessons, chord charts, and tabs for these and hundreds more. You can perfectly learn your instrument and vocal harmony parts in minutes, not hours.

Check out the video below to see how Cary Church, in NC is using Worship Online to sound incredible while saving hours every single week.

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