The Top 15 Worship Online Posts of All Time!

  • Written By 
  • Libby Lewis

With all the blogs and free video series Worship Online puts out, finding where to start can be a bit overwhelming. Luckily for you, we dove into the data and narrowed it down to our 15 most popular posts!

Whether you play drums, guitar, keys, bass or sing, we have curated amazing content with your name on it! Well not literally… but if we could, you know we would 😉

So without further ado, here are our top 15 blog posts of all time. Enjoy!

#1 11 Golden Rules for Worship Guitarists

Worship guitar is a style of it’s own, and since we launched Worship Online and became known for having the highest quality (and most accurate) worship guitar tutorials online, we’ve gotten a lot of questions about how we approach playing guitar in a worship setting. So I created this list of 11 Golden Rules, that my fellow guitar instructors and I find ourselves referring to quite often. If you play guitar, burn these things into your brain and refer to them as you play and rehearse . . . [Continue Reading]

#2 What Every Worship Leader Needs to Know About Worship Guitar Tone

Today we’re talking about tone. Tone is KING when it comes to worship music. It doesn’t matter what is being played, if the tone is bad, everything is bad. And I hate to say it, but most of the churches I visit, have bad tone. As a result, the band sounds weak and empty. So you’re probably asking, “good tone, bad tone, what’s the difference and what do they sound like?” That can be a very lengthy and even boring conversation if you aren’t a tone nerd. But if you are, here are 4 great places to start . . . [Continue Reading]

#3 How to Mix In Ear Monitors Like a Pro

This topic could be one of the most overlooked, yet very crucial areas when preparing to lead worship at church. For years, I never gave it much thought. I was focused on all of the things like getting good tone from my amp, what effects to use, and following the worship leader. Little did I know that the moment I made some easy changes, ALL of these things I mentioned would improve drastically. So in this blog I want to talk to you about the importance of a great monitor mix. . . [Continue Reading]

#4 5 Practical Tips for Worship Singers

Being a great singer also means being a great musician. Great musicians care for their instrument. They practice, improve, challenge themselves, and never see a finish line. In my experience as a vocal coach and worship leader, I’ve found that a lot of singers tend to overlook simple yet fundamental techniques. But by being aware of these common stumbling blocks, you can greatly improve your voice. So here are my 5 practical singing tips . . . [Continue Reading]

#5 How Bass and Drums Work Together

A strong relationship between bass and drums is the foundation to every great band. You can be a great drummer, or a great bass player, but if you don’t know how the two work together, you are missing it. In this 2 part video series, Austin Davis [Drummer for Kari Jobe] and David Curran [Bassist for Elevation Worship/Lauren Daigle] teach the relationship between drums and bass. . . [Watch Now]

#6 How To Become A Touring Musician

Traveling the world… playing for thousands of people… serving the Kingdom with your career… making a living being creative and playing an instrument… all of these things are truly incredible experiences. It’s no wonder why so many people dream of one day becoming a professional musician. Since becoming a “professional,” a question I get asked consistently is, “how did you get where you are at?” My responses are not typically what people expect. The following is a bit of wisdom I believe God has shown me on the matter . . . [Continue Reading]

#7 Guitar Rig Rundown – Pedals & Gear

Let’s talk gear. Guitarist Jordan Holt has picked up a few tips and tricks while playing on the road with artists such as Kari Jobe and Matt Redman. Especially in the area of gear. So in order to save you time researching and buying gear you may regret, today we are giving you the complete run down of Jordan’s guitar rig . . . [Continue Reading]

#8 3 Big Myths About Worship Guitar Tone

One of the most common misconceptions in music that tone can be purchased. Sure, there are basic principles for developing pleasing sounds and making solid purchases, but I would like to suggest that there are no hard rules about what works for your style of playing. Most of the questions I get are related to gear, which is completely fine, but my response tends to be the same. “Just try as many things as you can and find what you like.” Let me take a few minutes to elaborate on why that is by debunking the 3 most common tone myths . . . [Continue Reading]

#9 Worship Bass Guitar Tone 101 – Direct Boxes & Pedals

Having great bass guitar tone is extremely important in not just worship music, but any style of music. In this 2 part video series, David Curran [Elevation Worship & Lauren Daigle] sits down to talk you through bass tone for worship and how you can use direct boxes and pedals to get that perfect sound. He goes through finding the perfect DI box for you and your church, and then walks you through his personal pedal board that he’s used for years on the road and in the studio with Elevation Worship . . . [Watch Now]

#10 Music Theory 101

Music theory is the common language between all instruments. The more you understand about theory, the better you can communicate with ANY musician. In these videos, Keith Duell (Keys Instructor & Patch Designer for Worship Online) teaches you the basic harmonic theory concepts that are crucial for any musician to know. Key changes, learning new songs, and knowing what notes to play in your solo becomes SO much easier when you understand the rules of music. So dive in! And let us teach you what you need to know to increase your knowledge of music theory . . . [Watch Now]

#11 3 Ways the Enemy Attacks Worship Leaders: And What You Can Do About It 

If you have been called to be a worship leader, then you should know that you’re walking around with a bright red target on your back. The enemy will stop at nothing until the world stops worshipping, until you give up on your church, until everyone on the team has quit, until you stop believing in yourself as a leader. But when you know his plan of attack on your life, you can stop living in fear and start leading your team with a new found confidence . . . [Continue Reading] 

#12 Drum Tuning 101 with Austin Davis

Every great drummer knows how big of a difference well tuned drums can make. Drums are crucial to the foundation of your band. They are often the most distinguishable instrument in the mix, so getting your drums dialed in is a game changer. In this 2 part video series, Austin Davis [drummer for Kari Jobe] teaches his best drum tuning tips! You will learn how to confidently tune each part of your kit, and even learn how to achieve Austin’s iconic snare sound . . . [Watch Now]

#13 I’m A Worship Leader, But Why?

Why am I talking about “Why?”? Because our longevity and health in our service to the church is dependent on us understanding purposePlaying in a worship band is a unique battleground because of the weight of significance and appreciation we place on it. There is a cool/fun factor that is easy to idolize and seek after. It can become a breeding ground for the enemy to create insecurity or false sense of importance. I want to take a moment to help us still ourselves, and come out on top of this battle that so many of us face every Sunday . . . [Continue Reading] 

#14 Spontaneous Worship on Keys

You’ve practiced all your parts, and the set just ended, BUT… worship keeps going… What now? Despite what many may think, being able to play spontaneous worship actually takes a lot of practice! Altar calls, communion, transitions, times of prayer…. today we will teach you how to flow, play by ear, and be prepared for any scenario where you may need to improvise on keys. In these 2 videos, our keys instructor, Keith Duell, breaks it down to teach you some practical ways to improvise in a worship setting . . . [Watch Now]

#15 Choosing the Right Keyboard for Worship

One of the most exciting (yet sometimes the hardest) part about building your own keyboard rig is choosing the right keyboard. What if I make the wrong choice? What if in a month it turns out I hate my keyboard? Is this really what I need? I totally get it! I’ve been there before and know that it can be overwhelming, especially if this is your first time. While it is important to do your best research and testing, choosing a new keyboard should also be fun and stress free! So here are my top 5 tips for choosing the right keyboard for worship . . . [Continue Reading]

We want to hear from you! What have been your favorite Worship Online blog posts? And what would you like to see next? Let us know in the comments! 

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