How To Tune Drums For Worship [Video]

  • Written By 
  • Austin Davis

How To Tune Drums For Worship [Video Below]

Every great drummer knows how big of a difference well tuned drums can make. If done correctly it can add a new dimension of richness to any worship experience. However, it can take years of trial and error to get your tuning technique perfect. Well today we’re here to shortcut your route to amazing worship drum tone. We’re going to show you exactly how to tune drums for worship music.

Drums are crucial to the foundation of your band. They are often the most distinguishable instrument in the mix, so getting your drums dialed in is extremely important to the sound of the entire band.

Why you want to tune your drums for worship (the right way!)

  1. It improves the overall sound of the band: Well-tuned drums add a new dimension of richness to the worship experience and can enhance the overall sound of the band.
  2. It helps the drums cut through the mix: In a worship band setting, drums are often the foundation of the band and are often the most distinguishable instrument in the mix. Therefore, properly tuning the drums will help them cut through the mix and be more audible.
  3. It enhances your performance: Properly tuned drums will help you play more confidently and comfortably. When the drums sound great, you will feel more inspired to play with more energy and passion.
  4. It makes the job of the sound engineer easier: Properly tuned drums will make the job of the sound engineer easier as they will not have to work as hard to make the drums sound good in the mix.
  5. It makes for a better overall listening experience for the audience: Properly tuned drums will make for a more enjoyable listening experience for the audience, as they will be able to hear the drums more clearly and in a more pleasing way.

So as you can see, knowing how to properly tune drums for worship benefits you, the front of house engineer, and the entire sound of your band.

Your Worship Drum Tuning Instructor

For the last 9 years, Austin Davis has been playing drums for worship artist, Kari Jobe. He has also had the privilege of playing with Cody Carnes, Lauren Daigle, The Belonging Co., and Vertical Church Band. Today, Austin is going to teach you exactly how to tune your drums for that massive worship drum tone, and share with you his best drum tuning “secrets.”

The better your drums sound, the better you sound, and the more confidently you will play. Watch now!

Click here to watch Part 2!

Part 2 Covers:

  • How to get Austin Davis’s Signature Worship Snare Sound
  • Different Ranges of Tuning so you can get the exact sound you want.
  • How to dampen your drums, tips and trick on dampening, and what exactly to watch out for.

Start a FREE TRIAL today for access to hundreds more drum tutorials and lessons taught by Austin Davis! Get started! 

What tricks have you learned while tuning drums? We’d love to know! Tell us in the comments below. 

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